Delta Faucets Commercial: A Turnstylist’s Experience —

Delta Faucets

Interior design is all about individual pieces coming together to create beautiful spaces. We found this true when our principal designer, Lieve Saether, was chosen to be featured in a Delta Faucets commercial. The pairing of Lieve and Delta resulted in an inspiring finished project and a wonderful, new experience for our firm. After seeing the final result, we sat down with Lieve to learn more about her involvement shooting her first ever commercial with Delta Faucets.

How did it feel that Delta chose you to be featured in their commercial?

It was an absolute honor. It’s a company that I have long used as a supplier and since they are such a foundational player in the world of kitchen and bath fixtures, it was a welcome and well-fit alignment.

Delta Faucets
Delta Faucets

What was the experience like, considering this was your first commercial?

So much fun. As a business person, I find it so important to try and test new experiences; since this is how we grow and can better adapt to evolving situations. For me the Delta Faucets commercial was a view behind the curtain – in other words, a wonderful way to see how these high quality stories are captured to appeal to a consumer’s needs.

What did you have to do in order to prepare?

We were given a fair amount of creative input on our end. Naturally, there were constraints relative to budget, location and time. However, we were asked to design the space, select finishes, and sketch it all out. It was a great way to get into the feel of the process and help contribute how we approach a space.

What was the process like? Would you do it again?

I would absolutely do it again- certainly if I could be surrounded by the same group of people. Several times I stood in awe of how many extremely talented individual contributors participate in this lengthy process. In our business, everyone wears multiple hats. In this film crew’s, each person does their specific job, and so wonderfully. It was a pleasure to watch each person contribute so flawlessly to the execution of the total project and everyone was so supportive to a newbie like me. Great director – a total collaborative creative, and a wonderfully attentive producer.

Which Delta products are your favorite?

Well, since I was there to highlight the Zura Collection by Delta Faucets, I have a particular affinity for that suite of products. This new line has a sleek design, with an artistic tilt. I mean, check out the overhead rain shower head – it’s such a good shape!

What inspires you about Delta Faucets?

Their commitment to the individual’s use of their product. The very fact that Delta sought a real-life interior designer in their commercial, is testament to their understanding of who and how a product gets used. As designers, we think way beyond just how pretty a product is – we think about its quality, its track record, how it feels, how it responds in use and in a space.

Delta Faucets

Why do you recommend Delta products to your clients?

I recommend Delta because of their longevity in the industry and because of their range. Delta is something you can easily identify as a consumer and regardless of budget, their wide range gives you the confidence that you are buying something of quality. Providing homeowners with different price-point products so one can grow with the brand’s offerings budget-wise; that’s something Delta has done very well.

Are there any fun, behind the scenes, stories that you can share with us?

Well first, let me tell you, it takes a crazy amount of people to make a commercial that only lasts a few minutes! I didn’t do an actual count, but I would certainly estimate we had about 30+ people to make this happen. One of my favorite moments was the green screen moment. Imagine 2 guys, holding a green screen behind me, having to follow my every move as the director has me shift through the space. It was funny and entirely endearing to literally have someone have my back. On that note, I think the honored part comes from how many people are on hand to make you look good. I swear, can I take this lovely group with me everywhere I go, please?! What a wonderful group of people!

The concept of the commercial is “See Beautiful Design. Do Beautiful Work.” What does this mean to you?

It’s a recognition of taking the time to stop and absorb all of the beauty around us to then in turn create more wonder. Interior design is about making your living space reflective of who you are – your individual beauty. Seeing pleasing forms and allowing them to result in beautiful work is how our spaces become such wonderful places to spend time in.

What was it like watching the final piece / seeing yourself in a commercial?

Quite humbling.  I have long felt fortunate to do what I love and get enormous joy out of realizing projects. To have this collaboration with a stalwart brand in this enormously over-crowded space, felt like a satisfying communication tool for me. It’s a great way to show people that investing in one’s home really is an important thing. I appreciate Delta Faucets having recognized this.

Lieve would like to thank Delta Faucets for the opportunity to work on this project with them. See the finished commercial by clicking the video below. In addition, check out the other piece of the Art and Innovation series with Chef Shawn Cirkiel of Parkside Projects. And remember, “See beautiful design. Do beautiful work.”

Delta Faucets
Delta Faucets
Delta Faucets

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